Interior Design For Musicians: 2 Classy Music Themed Home Designs

No matter who we are, the place we live reflects our deepest thoughts, dreams, and preferences. But when we are creative people, that is perhaps even more true. The two home featured here both belong to musicians. It is clear that their love of creativity and music in particular inform their design choices. When you . . .

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A Suburban Kiev Apartment Design with Luxury (and Budget) in Mind

This weekend home in the Kiev suburbs comes from the talented designers at Yo Dezeen. The appearance and feel of luxury was achieved for this particular family home without breaking the bank. The resulting space is a perfect retreat for a family of five that each has their own unique tastes but must figure out . . .

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4 Small & Beautiful Apartments Under 50 Square Meters

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. In these small apartments, each of which measures under 50 square meters (538 square feet), the necessity of creating a livable space has led to the invention of style, the creative use of color, and resulted in four gorgeous homes for daring and discerning residents. Recommended . . .

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Skysphere: The Ultimate Solar Powered Android Controlled Man Cave

Man or woman, there are plenty of reasons to want to escape the rigors of everyday life and retreat to your own private space. Instead of setting up in the basement or garage, New Zealand graphic designer and engineer Jono Williams decided to build his man cave in the sky. His “Skysphere” room stands in . . .

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A Cozy Apartment in Kyiv with Soft Citrus Accents [Includes Floor Plan]

Keep things light. It’s the best way to have an uncomfortable conversation. It’s the best way eat a healthy meal. And some would argue it’s the best way to live. In this cozy Kyiv apartment, they designers from Dvoetochie Design Bureau do just that. Natural sunlight is allowed to illuminate all corners of the home . . .

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Luxury Southern California Home Celebrates the Endless Summer

The desert expanse around Palm Springs, California is some of the most beautiful terrain in the state. Desert landscapes and sunrises give way to luxury homes that are miles from deprivation and don’t breathe a hint of drought. This home in the Thunder Ridge neighborhood of Rancho Mirage is certainly no exception. It’s mid-century style . . .

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