Open Apartments that Make Creative Use of Texture and Pattern

Anyone who believes that interior design is simply a matter of choosing furniture and painting the walls has probably never tried to design a room or a home. These apartments, each visualized by Archivizer, have so much more than some pretty paint and a cozy sofa. Specifically, these apartments use color and texture to bring . . .

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Fresh Delightfully Modern Interiors From A Polish Architectural Studio

The homes in this post were each designed by the creative team at the design studio in Poland. While each space certainly has its own personality, the creative touches, whimsical elements, and amazingly cool storage spaces are all indicative of the team’s style. Have a look. Recommended Reading:  50 Modern Living Rooms 50 Strikingly-Modern . . .

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Interior Design Close To Nature: Rich Wood Themes And Indoor Vertical Gardens

Beautiful interior design can make a space open, comfortable, and welcoming. When a home is beautiful and impeccably furnished, hours and days can go by before you even want to consider leaving. But nature has its own comforting capabilities, from a cool summer’s breeze to the oxygenating properties of plants. These designs in this post . . .

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Tastefully Decorated Modern Style Villas Close To Nature

Photographer Oded Smadar, from Smadar Studio has made it his mission to capture the work of some of Israel’s top architects. The villas featured here are at turns modern and rustic, cozy and sprawling, but each one is beautiful, unique and reflects both the talents of their architects and the personalities and tastes of their . . .

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Inside The Corridors Of Power

Photographer Luca Zanier has released an intriguing series of photographs titled as the ‘Corridors of Power’ where he shoots the interiors of some of the most influential buildings in the world. These include assembly halls, board rooms and galleries of some of the most powerful organizations out there. It is safe to say that these . . .

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Avant-Garde Apartments feature the Latest Lines and Lighting [Visualized]

If you were to ask us to associate thoughts with Ukraine, we might think of wheat farming, or perogies (Yum!!) or even the current crisis around Crimea but we probably would not immediately have said, “Cutting edge interior design!”. These two apartments, rendered by Dnepropetrovsk-based Svoya studio are the epitome of where interior design is . . .

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Four Apartments from St. Petersburg’s Int2 Architecture

At 107 square meters, this Moscow apartment may not be spacious, but careful design and organization from Int2 Architecture has allowed for plenty of storage, a master bedroom and even separate rooms for two children. The team of designers at Int2 has managed to do this without straying from the simplicity and beauty of their . . .

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Ukrainian Design Team Creates Interiors of Luxurious Comfort

The architectural workshop of Azovskiy & Pahomova unites the talents of designers Oleg Azovsky and Anna Pakhomova. The result is a team that creates interiors for their clients that are indicative of exacting taste, professional training, and an all-encompassing ability to listen to the needs of their clients. Interiors from this firm are replete with . . .

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Modern Landscape Design Ideas From Rolling Stone Landscapes

These delightful set of designs come from the stables of Australian firm Rolling Stone Landscapes who have crafted some magical environments for their clients. Just flip through these images and you will experience a symphony of stone, water, lush greenery and lighting. The compositions are exquisite and it is as though you are looking at . . .

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