14 Insanely Cool Car Garage Designs

Italian sports car manufacturer Maserati, in partnership with Architectural Digest Magazine recently held a contest that invited applicants to design a dream garage fit for parking a Maserati. The garage design contest received many interesting entries and Maserati just now announced the winning design. The winning garage design was by Holger Schubert from LA in . . .

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Dream Paper Castle!

Architecture and design intrigue us – whatever the scale, whatever the medium. And Wataru Itou, an art student from Tokyo just wins us over with this wonderful paper craft art installation he showed off at an exhibition in Japan. The installation is hand made, complete with electrical lights and a moving train, all made of . . .

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Google holds shelter design competition!

Okay, this one is for the designers out there. Starting today(June 8, 2009, Frank Lloyd Wright’s 142nd birthday), Google is holding the Design It: Shelter Competition that challenges participants to create a simple shelter for a specific geographic location anywhere in the world. According to Google, the inspiration for ‘Design It’ comes from Frank Lloyd . . .

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Great tree houses by Baumraum

Baumraum is specialised in the planning and realisation of treehouses and other constructions in natural surroundings. Baumraum’s philosophy: We transform your individual ideas and wishes into ingenious and inspiring dwellings that combine versatility with craftsmanship of the highest quality and maximum safety standards. A major objective thereby is to handle the trees and their surroundings . . .

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Secret Places Inside Homes!

Though quite uncommon it is not entirely outrageous for people to have covert hidden places inside their home. These places sometimes act as a panic room that keeps the inhabitants of the home secure during an emergency. But more often it is for the sheer thrill of having a secret niche within their homes that . . .

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Beautiful Stairs

Stair design is a tricky subject. One of the many challenges that designers face is making them less conspicuous and yet syncing them well with the rest of the design. Easier said than done! But we came across a stair designer who does this brilliantly. Watch how the stairs from Scale Nilur not only just . . .

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In this post, we have lined up a few walkthroughs for you. Not the ones you would expect, usually. First is the interior of a Boeing 747, second, the Ritz Hotel, and the third, the Penthouse Suite at the Bellagio. All these are videos apparently, so if you are reading this through e-mail you will . . .

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