Urban Gardens

Urban gardens have become a growing trend in New York City and other metropolises worldwide, triggered by various reasons, from the advanced man’s desire to get back in touch with nature to an effort to alleviate the planet’s environmental disintegration to an attempt to lead a healthier lifestyle by growing one’s own vegetables and fruits. . . .

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Interior Design, Literally.

Okay, here is something a little different. We came across this unique toy design by Moscow based Studio, Flyart Group . We thought the literal quality and meticulous and intricate design of this piece would be fun to share. Note the modern and minimalist style of the architecture and decor in the toy – which . . .

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Amazing Paper Sculptures

Maybe it’s not the first time we at Home-designing have been enamored of amazingly intricate paper designs. We have featured similar projects here and here. But Canadian artist Calvin Nicholls‘ paper sculpture designs have a touch of wild to them. As in wildlife. Nicholls celebrates his love of animals by carving out intricate, and simply . . .

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Home Designing Featured on Pulse!

In keeping with our tradition of bringing new channels through which readers can connect with our content, today we would like to announce our presence on Pulse app for mobile devices. Pulse is a beautiful free news application for iPhone, iPad and Android devices that makes reading news fun and engaging. It transforms your favorite . . .

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Beautiful home interiors rendered by Dmitry Kobtsev

Designer Dmitry Kobtsev seems to have a penchant for blending elegant modernity with retro glamor. In his renderings of the following living space, Kobtsev creates a retro-futuristic feel that brings back recollections of The Jetsons pad with light hardwood floors, brown and beige furniture, and a touch of modernity with a silver entertainment stand and . . .

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Realistic Interior Visualizations by Thang Nguyen

Designer Thang Nguyen brings sleek, modern elegance to the beach with his realistic interior visualizations for this stunning pad. His visualizations of perfect symmetry, clean lines, and utter simplicity, make this an especially special place to relax. A small sitting area adorned with white chairs and an alcove leads to the garden. The window of . . .

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Rublyovka Houses: Where Russia’s Super-elite Live

Rublyovka, a prestigious residential area located west of Moscow, is what can be considered as the Russian equivalent of Beverly Hills. It is where the country’s super rich live and is home to several A-List celebrities, businessmen and political figures. Not surprisingly the neighborhood is also home to boutiques of several luxury brands (Ferrari, Lamborghini, . . .

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New Interior Design Trends Are Revealing

These photos by Uydurrukcu reveal some new patterns in interior design and space design after the global recession and green movement. First consider that these photos illustrate that minimalism doesn’t always equate to modernist design. In fact spaces are designed more with efficiency in mind than strict, often cold, austerity. Most of these illustrate a . . .

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Contemporary Bedrooms from Presotto

Platform beds are the much healthier, far more attractive version yet possibly the trend equivalent of the 1970s waterbed. In fact today’s platform beds are outright artful when originating from certain design firms. Furniture designers are turning them into self-sufficient islands, bachelor-ready suites, floating squares, and textured clouds. Beds like these by Italian Presotto, a . . .

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Palace Like Interiors

Whether the middle classes consider these designs extravagant or ostentatious, it’s worth realizing that excessively wealthy homeowners such as belong to the royal class are the first to experiment with interior design styles. It’s from them the masses glean ideas of how to adopt the high life without paying heavily for it and without being−perhaps− . . .

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Photo Wallpapers for Every Room

The wallpaper mural of the 1970s could easily be described as tacky or kitschy, even, but a similar movement is afoot. Today’s version of wall treatments, however, are exciting and suitable for those who prefer the professionally designed look. This wall treatment evolution furthermore has more dimension that its predecessors. Today’s wallpaper murals allow designers . . .

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Fancy Staircase Treatments

Whether whimsical or precise, traditional or state-of-the-arts, staircases add significant interior architecture value to an abode. This collection demonstrates all of the above. They brilliantly blossom with color. They demonstrate the family-oriented character of the home’s owners. They take our breath away, and they lend a sense of stability or mystery. So many staircases seem . . .

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Bookshelf Fantasy

As it’s name suggests the blog BookshelfPorn (completely safe for work, we assure!) is for the avant-garde bookshelf lover amongst us. This delightful blog features a huge collection of bookshelves for any situation from the typical wall bookcase to the more humorous and perhaps less practical sculptural bookshelves. Bookshelves have long since been pushed to . . .

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