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A Color Blocked 30 Square Meter Apartment Big In Style

Designed by Elena Fateeva, this 30-square-meter studio apartment is a stunning example of color blocking and efficient use of space. The kitchen boasts sleek white cabinetry paired with pastel pink accents, creating a fresh and modern vibe. A black round dining table with matching chairs stands out against the white tiled walls and floors. The cozy sleeping nook features a soft blue ceiling and walls, complemented by a bed adorned with muted blue and gray bedding. The living area includes a floral-patterned sofa, vibrant throw pillows, and abundant natural light, thanks to large windows. Thoughtful details like the black accents, green plants, and minimalist decor enhance the apartment's chic aesthetic.

Recommended Reading:  Interiors That Use Color Blocking To Segment Space

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