If only walls could talk! Well, they almost do with these beautiful illustrative wallpapers from Colombian born, Barcelona based, Catalina Estrada; they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and these designs certainly speak volumes!

Now this style of wallpaper will not be for everyone, but some of these designs form murals that can be appreciated by most as a striking piece of art. Images from Latin-American folklore are brought to life with enchanting characters in vivid color, you might spot a very stylized illustration of a Little Red Riding Hood reminiscent tale amongst them, complete with a big bad wolf.

If murals aren't your thing, then the collection offers up eye catching compositions of floral brights in intricate repeats, geometric coverings with a textile inspired look, and eye catching bird patterns.

With Estrada forming a mega client list that includes numerous big hitters, like Paul Smith, Coca-Cola, Microsoft Zune, Sony Music, Mercedes, Lexus, Honda, Paulo Coelho, Lindt, Unicef, Motorola, Chronicle Books, Barcelona's City Council, Mayor of London, Government of India, to name just a few, this trend looks strongly set to continue.