While living simply is a mantra that many deign to follow, it is generally easier said than done. Living a studio apartment was one way for Swiss designer Till Könneker to keep things simple. Unfortunately, the garden-level space did not offer much in the way of storage for his beloved record collection and other necessities – like clothes. Könneker enlisted the help of a friend to translate his idea for a “living cube” into reality. The results are nothing short of amazing.

Though the cube offers a tremendous amount of storage space, its size does not overwhelm the Bern apartment. Instead, it acts as a focal point for visitors. Tucking it away in the corner also means it does not consume valuable floor space.

A small door on the side of the cube is just large enough for Könneker to walk though, giving him easy access to his clothes and other stored items inside.

The top of the cube is far from wasted space. A thin mattress and hanging ladder make it accessible as a guest bed for visitors or a comfortable reading nook for Könneker. The windows let in ample light and offer a notable view.

The base of the cube offers a neat shoe cabinet.

The shelves surrounding the television cubby are perfectly fit to vinyl records and even have space for adding to the already ample collection that is housed there.