Although these images may at first appear as a slightly less than photo realistic render, the utter simplicity of this project by Maria Movchan holds a lot of beauty in its clean layout and modern accessorization. Lets take a look at the house in more detail:

We begin in the open plan living area where rich walnut sits boldly against a stark white backdrop for dramatic contrast. Lime green accents have been added throughout the home accessories to provide fresh zing and personality.

The cohesive looks means that the modest L shaped space appears roomier than it's actual dimensions, and achieves a comfortable connection from area to area.

A glass dividing wall almost becomes wallpaper with the addition of understated white decal stripes that achieve a surprising amount of impact and visual interest, intriguing the onlooker to what lies beyond the partial screening.

In the bedroom a feature wall has been created in the form of useful storage and shelving, which has been arranged in an asymmetrical pattern above the headboard, almost as a piece of art.