Bath tubs have been a place to refresh and relax for centuries, from the old tin bath that was brought out into a front room or bedroom, to cast iron enameled roll tops, modern acrylic spas, and fitted fiberglass designs, the tub has certainly seen some changes throughout the years; this collection shows a contemporary take on many of these age old aesthetics, bringing tried and tested ideas bang up to date.

Via Lixil Milano
The concept of bringing the bathtub out into the open once more, or situating it within unexpected surroundings is back at the forefront, with bubble baths taking place in the middle of a home library. This is a nice quiet place to have a bath time read, though we're not sure the moisture from the steam would do your prized book collection much good.

Via Lixil Milano
We're also seeing a kick back to bathing in the great outdoors as our ancestors once did, though now we can enjoy the greenery though double glazed doors.

are also seeing more open designs, with huge viewing windows through to the sleeping quarters, and some without any divide at all.

Above 2, a unique concept via 3D Archvis

Via 3D Archvis
Of course not all modern designs forego your modesty, some are still tucked away compactly, bedded in blocks of mosaic, or nestled into stepped platforms.

Above 2 via Dinesh Nambisan

Via Favarojr

Via Carbon Made

Via Wastubali

Via 3D Archvis