Offices are spaces that people often find dull and boring. Not only because we relate them with work that needs to be done, but for the hours many of us are desperately counting until that wonderful moment when the little handle on that clock hits 5. But what if we have an office with areas that remind us of home? Would we feel more relaxed and productive? Morgan Lovell architects toys with this idea in their design of web hosting company Rackspace's office. Each floor represents an area that a home usually consists of. From the ground floor that represents a garage, right up to the top floor that is an artificial garden lit by a huge ceiling window, Povell has put every detail into use. They also manage to tie the concept to Rackspace's motto of being the 'home of fanatical support'.
We gave every floor a different theme inspired by the 'family home', but with a bit of a twist. The ground floor represented a garage, complete with its own personalised mini cooper. The first floor became a 70's inspired lounge for meetings, with chairs situated around an artificial fireplace. The second floor, also perfect for meetings, turned into the library, including dark leather chairs, long mahogany tables and bookcases. The garden, decorated in decking and fake grass, was situated on the third floor along with the boardroom; a complete replica of Number 10 Downing Street. For the company, the building stayed true to their values and the variety in workspace means they will never lack inspiration. For the energetic and creative staff, it's a place they can come to everyday and always feel at home… literally.
Enjoy upcoming photos, we sure did!

You probably managed to notice a pattern in these photos - everything here is very... British. There is a real customized Mini Morris in the garage, which is a statement british car, there are bobbies and telephone boots on the wallpapers, but be prepared for what comes next. On the second floor, which serves for holding meetings, is a meeting room. Nothing unusual, you would say. But, what if we say the meeting room looks like 10 Downing Street? There must be something quite important going on in there, and Povell managed to put an accent on a simple, usually boring meeting room with this monumental british homeland post. Quite an unusual and interesting idea, don't you think?